Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day 2020! This week let's check out an artist who truly loves the outdoors and creating art with nature. His name is Andy Goldsworthy. He is considered an environmental sculptor and a photographer. He uses natural materials like leaves, sticks, icicles, flowers, bark, mud and stones that he finds outside to create land art. His artwork is temporary, so he often photographs his work after making it. Watch these two videos to see how Goldsworthy makes his artwork and get inspired for our own art-making experience! The first video I'm sharing shows Goldsworthy at work creating art in nature. The second video is a slideshow of photos of his artwork. Notice how the elements of art are used in Goldsworthy’s artwork. Choose 2 elements of art to focus on when you are making your own artwork. What do you see, think, or wonder about his artwork? I challenge you to take a walk or just step outside for a few minutes and see what kinds of natural materials you see. Be su...